Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Referral Update, Photos, and Sundries

We received a "referral package update" today.  For a fee, we got two previously unreleased photos of BSP and medical information that is "updated".  I use the term "updated" loosely as we don't know the date of the information, and the only things that seem to have changed are Penny's weight and length. *sigh*  So while I grouse about not getting more information, the extra photos are worth the fee alone.

New photos:
So we see that: 
  • BSP still is being dressed like the Michelin Man (but that's to be expected)
  • She now has more hair than her Dad
  • There's a creepy stuffed animal behind her... watching...
  • She knows how to drool
  • She belongs to a gang called, "Hong Dou", and
  • She wears Mickey Mouse pants

In other news, Mel found a onesie that says "Baby Sister" on it, so we're going to get it embroidered with "Penny".

I've got more on my mind to blog, but it's late and I need to get some shut-eye.


  1. You should not have had to pay for an update I've never heard of preadoptive parents paying for one before.


  2. @Ruby: the fee may have been a translation fee for said update, but regardless, we paid it and we got our photos.

  3. The new photos are priceless! And how perfect that she is wearing Mickey Mouse pants. We knew she was a the perfect addition to your family and that proves it.


Whaddaya got somethin' ta say???