Sunday, December 19, 2010

Here We Go Again!

Welcome to our new adoption blog.  It's with great joy that we start our preparations for BabySisterPenny, aka BSP.  We received our referral on Friday, December 16th; our dossier Log In Date (LID) with China was May 26, 2006, so it's been a little bit more than 4 1/2 years of waiting for our referral.  Right now, it looks like we'll be travelling in mid-February, but our travel dates aren't set yet.

With any luck, we'll be able to update this blog from China throughout our trip and share some stories, photos, and maybe even videos of our adventure.

Please feel free to pass our blog link around to anyone who is interested in meeting BSP and following our travels.

1 comment:

  1. this is a wonderful idea ! I am looking forward to all your postings :)


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