Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Planning to Plan (or How to Make Your Brain Explode in 739 Easy Steps!)

Plan a trip.  
Plan a trip to China.  
Plan a trip to China to adopt an infant daughter.  
Plan a trip to China to adopt an infant daughter and take your 7 year-old daughter (also adopted from China) along with you.  
Do this planning in six weeks three weeks.  Over the major holidays in both the US and China.  Sprinkle lightly with delayed furniture shipments. Fold in work deadlines, pets, birthdays, vaccinations, and changing travel regulations.  Mix with the possibility of having to choose how we want the TSA to humiliate our daughter.  Pour into a blender labelled "HowAreWeGoingToPayForAllThis?" and hit "Liquefy" for 30 seconds.  ("Wow! That's terrific bass!")

And yet, I wouldn't trade all this chaos and headache for the world... I love my new daughter. My family loves our new little girl.  And we can't wait!


Whaddaya got somethin' ta say???