Saturday, January 29, 2011

More on-the-fly Blogging (or "Moron, the Fly, Blogging")

Here I am, blogging again from the parking lot outside of Lucy’s ballet lesson today. We’re down to less than 12 days to go and the time is slipping through our fingers like a cliché.

On the positive side, we have all of our paperwork assembled and organized. I need to make a few dozen copies of documents, but we have all of the pieces we need. We also finished our “money laundering”* ahead of time.
(*For all the government officials reading this, I am only JOKING and referring to exchanging legal tender for better quality bills of the same value to pay for official adoption fees in China. Don’t be a weed.)
On the still-left-to-do list, we have to actually pack for the trip, clean the house for our house sitter, buy some small gifts for the orphanage workers, and a few other miscellaneous tasks.

One negative that we’ve run into is the luggage weight limitation for in-country (China) flights. For our flights between Newark – Beijing (and Hong Kong – Newark) we’re permitted more than 140 lbs per passenger without any baggage fees. For our flights from Beijing – Nanchang – Guangzhou, we are strictly limited to 44 lbs per passenger before incurring a “per kilogram overage fee” of about $3/kg. This means that we are not going to be able to take the donations of clothing, blankets, toys, and stuffed animals we’ve collected to the orphanage without having to pay >$300 in fees. While it really stinks that we can’t deliver our donations to the children, I’d much rather give the $300+ to the orphanage than to some random government worker at the airport. So while cash is extremely impersonal, it’s about the only thing we can give. We’ll give our donations to a local charity instead. Thanks, China Airlines.

We have been told that both Facebook and Blogger/Blogspot (i.e., this blog) are currently blocked in China. So we’ll move on to Plan B to send blog updates via email, and/or Plan C to have a mystery blogger post for us. Supposedly Skype will work from China, so we’ll be chatting that way whenever possible. Also, we’re encouraging Lucy to keep a journal of her journey. We’ll post those to our blog as we’re able.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Detailed Travel Itinerary (or "Where in the World is Lucy Boo?")

We received our detailed in-country travel itinerary yesterday from our adoption agency.  I've put the information into the table below:

FEB. 10, 2011 – FEB. 25, 2011
THU, FEB. 10
Depart for Beijing
FRI, FEB. 11
Arrive in Beijing
SAT, FEB. 12
Beijing Sightseeing: Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Summer Palace
SUN, FEB. 13
Beijing Sightseeing: Church Service, Great Wall
MON, FEB. 14
GOTCHA DAY! A.M. – Flight to Jiangxi
P.M. – Meet Your Child & Civil Affairs Appointment
TUE, FEB. 15
Adoption Paperwork / Sightseeing & Shopping
WED, FEB. 16
Adoption Paperwork / Sightseeing & Shopping
THU, FEB. 17
Adoption Paperwork / Sightseeing & Shopping
FRI, FEB. 18
Flight to Guangzhou for Consulate appointment & paperwork
SAT, FEB. 19
Child’s Medical Exam
SUN, FEB. 20
Sightseeing & Shopping
MON, FEB. 21
Consulate Paperwork / Sightseeing & Shopping
TUE, FEB. 22
Consulate Appointment at 9:00 am
Consulate Oath-Taking Ceremony
WED, FEB. 23
Free Day in Guangzhou
THU, FEB. 24
Pick-up Child’s visa
Depart from Guangzhou (Bus)
FRI, FEB. 25
Depart from Hong Kong

So it is now official (without any major calamities), Valentine's Day will be BSP's Gotcha Day!  We're psyched that we're getting the most awesome Valentine ever!
And we're down to (just over) 14 days to go!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

BSP, The Home Game (or Sorry You Can't Make The Shower)

Ok, so first a disclaimer:
Mel and I had nothing (read "NOTHING") to do with the planning and/or execution of Melanie's BSP baby shower beyond this activity.  If you weren't invited or you were given bad directions intentionally, I can't help ya.  Sorry.  The chicks didn't even invite me to this one and I was the life of the party for Lucy's baby shower.  Yeesh.  Anyway...
Here's the activity, if you'd like to participate:

Activity Photo
  1. Click on the photo above and print it out in a 5x7 size. (We're using cover stock heavy paper, but you can print it on whatever paper you choose.)  
  2. Write in the "thought bubble" something witty, clever, or sarcastic that you think Penny might be thinking.  
  3. On the back, please write a note to Penny; just make it something positive.  
  4. Mail it back to us.  If you need our address, let me know and I'll email you.
We will save these and give them to her later in her life (exact date TBD).  We still have Lucy's notes in our safe and we love to read them from time to time.

Thank you in advance for playing along from home!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Three Weeks Away (or "You hear that Mr. Anderson?")

As the Countdown Timer reminds me of our approaching travel date, I hear the Sound of Inevitability.  No, it's not Death, but it certainly is coming at us like a train.  We've gotten a lot accomplished here at the house, but there always seems to be more to do.  Our next big adventures include:

  • to start actually packing what we've been staging
  • updating the packing list so we know what we're missing
  • finding all of our adoption and travel documents
  • preparing our house for our house sitter to stay over
  • making sure we stay healthy before we travel
So there's not really much left to do after all of that. Yeah...

A friend of the family warned us that we might not be able to access from China.  If that is the case, Plan B is to update this blog via email.  I can't put in all the crazy links and such right away, but at least we can get info and photos out to the world.  Plan C is to have a secret mystery guest blogger here in the States post for us.  We'll just have to see what China allows us to do on the Internets.

Our adoption agency just set up an official Yahoo Group for our Travel Group so that we can all start to mingle virtually.  And Mel and I have been the only ones to post anything so far.  Echo, echo, echo...  Hopefully the rest of the group will join in soon.

Our official Travel Group meeting and conference call is scheduled for next Thursday.  This is where most of the first-timers will have some sort of "Oh carp!" moment and realize they've forgotten something and they have less than two weeks to take care of it.  We had fun last time around ourselves.  Hopefully, we're carp-proof this time around.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blogging on the Fly*

(* No flies were hurt in the making of this blog post.)

I’m in the parking lot outside of Lucy’s ballet class with my laptop on my lap – hence the “on the fly” title.  Last night, while Lucy was at gymnastics, Mel and I had a “date night”.  We ate a quick dinner at Flippin’ Pizza, grabbed a frozen custard cake for the weekend celebrations, and came home to continue “The Great Purge”.  And despite the name, we’re doing more organizing than anything really.  BSP’s nursery is largely an established beachhead at this point.  Her furniture is in place, books are in the bookcase, clothes are in the drawers and closet, diaper changing accoutrements are staged appropriately…

Most of the mess that was our basement has been reorganized and put back in a better “stack”.  Hopefully we’ll be able to locate and access clothing, decorations, toys, etc. as the appropriate time approaches now.  We’ve also culled a lot of toys, clothing, and general swag from Lucy’s stashes to identify and stage things that will be BSP-future items, China orphanage donation items, and general charity donation items.  I don’t pretend to understand the algorithms used to differentiate these classifications; I just smile, nod, and tote the bails.

When Lucy came home from gymnastics last night, we had a brief chat in which Mel and I explained to her that we have family friends coming over today to watch the playoff games. These friends include Lucy’s official BFF and her older sister (also an F.O.L., “Friend of Lucy”).  As a condition for having these fine folk visit our home, it was a stated imperative that we get the basement clean and organized.  This message was obviously understood and taken to heart, because at 7:15AM today, Lucy came into our room to tell us that we needed to get cleaning the basement!  How many times do parents hear that from their seven year old daughters?

We spent most of the morning moving, sorting, and organizing.  Now Lucy’s at her ballet lesson.  Afterwards, we’ll have a little lunch, Lucy and I will get back to the salt mine, and Mel will prep food for our afternoon guests.  With any luck, we’ll actually make some progress around the house this weekend and get another step closer to being BSP-ready.

Also established last night, we’ve set up (and successfully tested) a Skype account for video chats from our trip to China.  Hopefully we’ll be able to keep in touch with our friends through that as well as the blog postings, email, and facebook.  Ultimately, we won’t know what connectivity we’ll have until we’re in China, but we’re going to give it our best shot.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Continuous Improvement Program

Our nursery furniture is coming tomorrow (or so we've been told).  Somehow, we managed to get the nursery cleared out and cleaned up.  Over the last three years or so, we've been using the nursery as a storage room for the things that Lucy had grown out of (clothes, toys, books, etc...).  It was quite a stroll down memory lane to find all of the items we've been storing up for BSP.  We found the Ty Godzilla doll we bought during our layover in Tokyo, commemorating our successful flight over Monster Island en route to China.  We found toys that Lucy played with and clothes she wore in her first year with us. Lots of treasures for BSP and some items that we're going to donate to BSP's orphanage.

In other cleaning news, 99% of all of our decorations from Christmas have been put away.  I reserve the remaining 1% to account for the random plug-in Santa air fresheners and mystery ornaments that we find buried in spots throughout the house.  Every time I declare victory over the Christmas decorations, there seems to be some lone insurgent item that decides to pop up.  It would be more fun if it were more of an arcade game.

We have a good friend of the family who will be house-sitting/pet-setting for us while we're in China, so we're needing to get the house suitable for someone to stay over (i.e., less like a sty and more like a home).  It looks like this time around, we won't be able to just move junk from one room to another; we're actually going to have to clean up.  Yikes.

In other news, I think it's about time to have "the talk" with Lucy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Miscellany, to be specific

So a couple "housekeeping" items for those of you who read this blog:
  • Countdown Timer - I've moved the countdown timer to a separate tab, so that it won't just disappear behind the newer posts. I find I'm looking at it several times a day.
  • Red Links - In case it's not obvious to anyone, the red text in my postings signifies a link. Click on the red text and there's usually some related text, photo, or video link for your entertainment.
  • My Bleeding Tongue - Those of you who know me, know that I have very clear religious and political opinions. I am doing my utmost to leave them out of this blog and it is requiring me to bite my tongue on an all-too-frequent basis.  My opinions haven't changed; I'm sparing you from them here.
So beyond those random points, there's not much news in the world of Penny Prep.  I reassembled Lucy's crib.  I had converted it into a day bed, so it took a little bit of doing to get it back into a crib.  I also attended the mandatory baptism class at St. Timothy tonight.  Surprisingly, nothing has changed in the world of baptism in the last six years.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Preparations Continue (or "How to Do a Million Things and Accomplish Zilch")

Preparations continue... (adult language warning on the link there)

So we're at that stage of the game where we make lists.  And lists.  And lists, lists, lists, lists!

List to the left! List to the right!  Stand up! Sit down! Fight, fight, fight!

Lists of lists to be listfully listed while listening to Liszt.  Things to do and things to buy.  Things to find and things to pack.

At some point, I guess I'll post our packing list for posterity, but since it is still under development, I wouldn't want to make anyone think that it's ready for prime time.

One of the families that is tentatively in our travel group (we have a secret email exchange underway even though the adoption agency hasn't officially announced who is in our travel group yet) asked for those of us who previously adopted from China to impart some of our Travel Wisdom tm.

I went back through all of the journals that we kept from our 2004 trip only to discover that I had not properly performed an After Action Review.  Silly me.  So, lessons learned:

  • Lesson #1, keep track of your lessons learned.  
  • Lesson #2, most people giggle like first graders when you say, "Number Two."  See.  My point exactly.  
  • Lesson #3, keep track of your lessons learned.  Oh wait, that was lesson #1...  
Anyway, I'll need to make another post of lessons learned so that the world will be a better place from our wisdom.  I'll add that to my "to do" list...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Care Package to BSP (or "Fair Warning!")

In an effort to allow our newest daughter the maximum time to brace herself for the approaching whirlwind that is Gibbs Family Life, we decided to employ a professional care-package-maker-type-deliverer-service (as they are known in the industry).  We chose Ladybugs 'N' Love for our package and have been pleased with the experience so far.
We wrote the following letter to accompany our package (and LNL will translate it for us):

To the Director and Caregivers at the Fuzhou Social Welfare Institute (SWI):
Please accept this letter of thanks in advance of our meeting.  We are Andrew, Melanie, and Lucy Gibbs from Fairfax, Virginia, USA.  We are adopting Fu Jingyang and plan to be in Nanchang near the middle of February.  Thank you all for the hard work, dedication, and love you have given to Jingyang since she arrived with you in May 2010.  We know that you have many infants to care for and limited resources with which to work.  Please know that the care and attention you give to these children is greatly appreciated throughout their lives.
We also adopted our daughter Lucy (now 7 years old) in Nanchang and we look forward to seeing the city again together with our daughter.  Lucy was loved and cared for by Director Liu Gang Sheng and the Caregivers of the Nankang Social Welfare Institute, who have our continued gratitude.
We are sending the gifts that accompany this letter for you, for Jingyang, and for the other children there at the Fuzhou SWI.  Please find enclosed the following items:
  • 1 camera with film (please take photos of Jingyang and return the film rolls to us in Nanchang; you may keep the camera)
  • 1 extra roll of film
  • 1 soft photo album with pictures of our family (for Jingyang; please return this to us with the film)
  • 1 stuffed animal, panda (for Jingyang; this can be given to another child when Jingyang comes to Nanchang)
  • 1 infant blanket, pink (for Jingyang; this can be given to another child when Jingyang comes to Nanchang)
  • 1 package of candy/nuts (for the caregivers)
Is there anything that you need (that we can bring) for the Institute or the children?  Please let us know. Our address is at the bottom of this note.
Again, please accept our heartfelt thanks for the blessing of this little girl to our family.  Fu Jingyang is a beautiful child and we are so very lucky to welcome her into our home.  Her arrival has been greatly anticipated by everyone in our family and friends.
Very sincerely yours,
The Gibbs family – Andrew, Melanie, and Lucy

Here are the 10 photos, in random order, that we are having them put into the soft photo album for BSP to chew on:

Lady Macbeth, aka "Lady"


Lucy and Ariel

at Lucy's first piano recital

at Lucy's gymnastics meet

at a Hokie Basketball game


Mommy (she rates 2 photos!)

Oberon, aka "Obi"

Here's hoping she doesn't change her mind about this whole adoption thing after she sees what she's getting into...  :-)

Slight Let Down (or Whiplash, Whiplash Good)

January 13th. Still unconfirmed as a travel date, yet so close that we have no choice but to take it seriously.
Cancel that. We just got an email that we were not able to get the Consulate appointment that would have us travel early. Our confirmed travel date is now February 10th. We're still excited, still happy, but we got our hopes up. And now there's a bit of a let down. *sigh*
Thank you all for your prayers.

, you have to wait another month. Please be patient.

Monday, January 3, 2011

GAAAAHHHH!!!! (or How to Find Your Inner Zen)

Ok, we are in TOTAL panic mode here and we need to calm down a touch...

We got a call today from our Agency asking if we might be interested in getting BSP a little sooner. "Why good heavens, yes, we would!"  I said in my best King's English. Then came the words that shook the world, "Would you like to travel on JANUARY 13TH?!?!? (hyperbolic emphasis added)"

{insert reflective pause}
"*ahem*, I beg your pardon, miss, but you appear to have misspoken.  You said January 13th. Aha, a-hahaha. Ha."
"No, I meant January."

{insert reflective pause}
...and as my inner voice was screaming "CR@P!!!!" as loud as it could, I said, "Why yes, yes indeed we would, then."

Now we're working frantically in the hopes of traveling in less than ten days.  Wish us luck and don't blink - you might miss us!