Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Busy Birthday for Lucy

I just dropped off our Chinese Visa applications, some additional travel paperwork, and of course another check with our adoption agency.

{Begin Minor Rant}
I don't want to sound too down, but at times it smacks of "insult to injury" to have waited this long and now see how the fees for everything have almost doubled. There's an end result of this process that is just out of our reach - and it (she) is more valuable than anything monetary. Yet I get frustrated to see my family penalized financially for someone else's sloth (and no, it's not our agency, btw).
{End Minor Rant}

We're still waiting to hear about our travel dates.  The best guess at the moment seems to be mid-February, but that's a rough estimate.  Once we have firm dates, we'll put them up on the blog.

So, as I posted previously, today is Lucy's 7th birthday. We (Mel, Lucy, & I) had lunch together at P.F. Chang's. Then the girls went to Elizabeth Arden's for manicures and pedicures, while I made the aforementioned document run. And later tonight we're going to the Kennedy Center to see South Pacific. It's sure to be a fun-filled day for Lucy!  I hope she can hold out all night!

1 comment:

  1. Wow-what a great itinerary! I'm jealous that they went to Elizabeth Arden. And the minor rant? Totally understandable. I think that disclaimer about "fees can change without notice" still doesn't prepare us for how much they can change at once!



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