Thursday, February 10, 2011

First Mobile Posting (or "4AM Really Stinks!")

Here's a quick posting from the gate at Dulles Airport (IAD) to let everyone know we are en route. The theme of the day is "So far, so good" (SFSG). We executed our 0400 wake-up call, performed the remaining prepatory tasks, and met our driver (thanks Amy!) all on schedule. The trip to the airport, check-in and security all went frightenly smoothly. I'm not sure if that's proper grammar, but I haven't had more than 2.5 hours of sleep, so it will have to do.

I'll post more later today.


  1. I don't know of any adoptive parent that gets a good night's rest before travel, so it's good that you're just like the rest of us-we can all relate!

    Hope the travel is uneventful.


  2. Have a safe and wonderful trip, Gribbseses! We eagerly await your return with BSP. Hugs and kisses to Lucy from Auntie Lei, Uncle Rob and Gaby.


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