Monday, January 3, 2011

GAAAAHHHH!!!! (or How to Find Your Inner Zen)

Ok, we are in TOTAL panic mode here and we need to calm down a touch...

We got a call today from our Agency asking if we might be interested in getting BSP a little sooner. "Why good heavens, yes, we would!"  I said in my best King's English. Then came the words that shook the world, "Would you like to travel on JANUARY 13TH?!?!? (hyperbolic emphasis added)"

{insert reflective pause}
"*ahem*, I beg your pardon, miss, but you appear to have misspoken.  You said January 13th. Aha, a-hahaha. Ha."
"No, I meant January."

{insert reflective pause}
...and as my inner voice was screaming "CR@P!!!!" as loud as it could, I said, "Why yes, yes indeed we would, then."

Now we're working frantically in the hopes of traveling in less than ten days.  Wish us luck and don't blink - you might miss us!


  1. Good grief! Good luck! What else can I say?


  2. Sending packing thoughts from Florida! Good thing you've done this before!

  3. Am so excited to hear the news, and know that you are thrilled and anxious at the same time. Praying for you guys to find the calmness in the chaos, and know it will all work out for good. Can't wait for you guys to meet and for BSP to be with her forever family!!!!!! Love you guys!


Whaddaya got somethin' ta say???